
The Death Plate has been featured in numerous horror scores, renowned for its ability to produce gritty, dark, and almost untamed sounds. Crafted in 2019 by Avro Pvrt, a French “noise expert,” it was initially tailored for experimental or noise music but found its place in the realm of horror scores.

The Death Plate is a unique instrument housed within a box, its top plate constructed from metal. Inside, three contact microphones are strategically positioned on the metal surface, capturing a diverse range of frequencies. These microphones capture bass tones, high frequencies akin to wind-like whispers, and the subtle nuances of parasitic sounds. Atop the plate is a string system and springs, enabling the addition of guitar or bass guitar strings, or even piano wire, to customize the sound to your desired effect. Complementing these features are a set of small brushes affixed to the plate, capable of producing eerie noises and textures.

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The Death Plate has been featured in numerous horror scores, renowned for its ability to produce gritty, dark, and almost untamed sounds. Crafted in 2019 by Avro Pvrt, a French “noise expert,” it was initially tailored for experimental or noise music but found its place in the realm of horror scores.

The Death Plate is a unique instrument housed within a box, its top plate constructed from metal. Inside, three contact microphones are strategically positioned on the metal surface, capturing a diverse range of frequencies. These microphones capture bass tones, high frequencies akin to wind-like whispers, and the subtle nuances of parasitic sounds. Atop the plate is a string system and springs, enabling the addition of guitar or bass guitar strings, or even piano wire, to customize the sound to your desired effect. Complementing these features are a set of small brushes affixed to the plate, capable of producing eerie noises and textures.

The Death Plate has been featured in numerous horror scores, renowned for its ability to produce gritty, dark, and almost untamed sounds. Crafted in 2019 by Avro Pvrt, a French “noise expert,” it was initially tailored for experimental or noise music but found its place in the realm of horror scores.

The Death Plate is a unique instrument housed within a box, its top plate constructed from metal. Inside, three contact microphones are strategically positioned on the metal surface, capturing a diverse range of frequencies. These microphones capture bass tones, high frequencies akin to wind-like whispers, and the subtle nuances of parasitic sounds. Atop the plate is a string system and springs, enabling the addition of guitar or bass guitar strings, or even piano wire, to customize the sound to your desired effect. Complementing these features are a set of small brushes affixed to the plate, capable of producing eerie noises and textures.